Service providers & online entrepreneurs,

Ready to start using your data to make BIG decisions with maximum profit in mind?

Let’s leverage the shit out of your numbers!

The numbers in your business tell a story

The numbers in your business tell a story •

Let me guess…You’re working your beautiful little CEO arse off and, month after month, find yourself saving the financial stuff “for later?”

I GET IT! It’s one more thing to make time for and learn… And reading those reports is definitely not smack dab in the middle of your zone of genius. It’s completely exhausting (Especially if you aren’t sure what you are looking for and how the data can even help you.)

What if I told you…“82% of small businesses fail due to cash flow problems”

If you are ignoring the numbers completely or basing decisions solely on gut feelings or top-line revenue, you may feel like you are on the cash flow creation treadmill without the emergency stop button…

Friend, it’s finally time to drink the Numbers Kool-Aid and reap the rewards of a solid AF money process and the intimate financial support that goes with it.



You shouldn’t have to spend hours on your finances or have an accounting degree to grow the freedom-filled business of your dreams.

What’s that you say? You aren’t good with numbers? Or maybe you just despise looking at them.

challenge accepted!!

Over the last thirteen years, I’ve helped my clients map out their profitability plans, avoid surprise tax bills, pay off tens of thousands in debt, and find peace within their numbers rather than stress.

With judgment-free, easy-going financial strategy & empowerment through education approach, you will begin to feel like you’ve just made a new BFF in your profit and loss statement.

I’m here to make the numbers on the reports make sense for you & the future of your business.

Oh & those big dreams & goals?

I’ll also help you build a profitable path to reaching them!

Let’s stop staring dreadfully at a bunch of numbers and choose the path toward flowing cash, healthy profits, AND a freedom-filled entrepreneurial life!


Build a sustainable path towards your growth & dream profits without selling your soul or your time. Optimize cash flow & watch the business flourish.


Every financial decision you make affects the big picture. Seeing these effects removes the guesswork and allows you to make decisions with clarity, confidence, and less stress.


When strong financial foundations, systems & support are in place, strategy becomes effortless. No more worrying about bookkeeping complexities & numbers confusion.

It’s time, let’s create a life you dream of with the profits of a business you love.




years I’ve worked with small businesses to optimize their finances. Longer than my teen son has been alive!


average number of years my clients keep me on their team. These relationships go way beyond spreadsheets.


number of clients’ QuickBooks companies I’ve set up, managed or analyzed. QuickBooks Online is my JAM.


amount of revenue I’ve helped my clients manage, organize, and GROW in 2023! My clients are effing badass!

Unlock Financial Freedom and Sustainable Business Growth

NUMBERS KNOWLEDGE: It’s not just for taxes anymore!

Organization & Ease

No matter the size of your business, my top priority is to de-mystify the numbers so you can read the story they are trying to tell you.

Profit Prioritization

Prioritizing profits is the best way to build a business that supports the freedom and lifestyle you desire, and that is exactly what I show you how to do.

Visionary Growth

I use the data to inspire and draw out your long-term goals while ensuring that each financial decision aligns with your big vision!

Hey, hey, friend - I’m Paige

I’m a financial strategist and business growth partner for entrepreneurs who are growing beautiful businesses that support their unique vision of a rich life.

I’ve been in the accounting world for over 13 years and have helped countless clients get their numbers dialed in & organized so they can feel confident that each move they make with their money gets them closer to their business goals & life on their own terms.

When I’m part of your team, it’s my ultimate priority to give you the financial insights and strategies you need to make empowered decisions.

My goal is to see your business thrive financially so you can build the life you dream of without stressing about the numbers.

Wanna know the full story?

Get Yo’self A Financial BFF!

ready to take your business to the next level?

As your dedicated financial strategist, I bring over 13 years of expertise in empowering entrepreneurs just like you to harness the power of their numbers.

Don’t let the misconception that numbers aren't crucial hold you back. Understanding your finances isn't just about balance sheets; it's about making “fuck yeah” decisions that pave the way for profitability and peace of mind.

Wondering if Tidewater Consulting would be a good fit? We would love to meet you!

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